Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 anchor, Kilauea. Slide
 backgrounds, Kilauea. Instance
 browser, Kilauea
 canvas, Kilauea. Instance
 container, Kilauea. Instance
 embeddedMode, Kilauea. Instance
 events, Kilauea. Instance
 fn, Kilauea. Event
 height, Kilauea. Canvas
 incrementals, Kilauea. Slide
 inst, Kilauea. Slide
 instances, Kilauea
 isFullWindow, Kilauea. Instance
 keyInfo, Kilauea
 keys, Kilauea
 langs, Kilauea. localization
 localization, Kilauea
 logData, http://sharpeleven. net/ kilauea/ logger
 note, Kilauea. Slide
 partInfo, Kilauea. Slide
 pluginLocations, Kilauea
 pluginStatus, Kilauea
 scripts, Kilauea
 scriptURL, Kilauea
 slide, LogEntry
 slides, Kilauea. Instance
 start, LogEntry
 status, Kilauea. Panel
 stop, LogEntry
 thisObj, Kilauea. Event
 transitions, http://sharpeleven. net/ kilauea/ transition
 version, Kilauea
 width, Kilauea. Canvas
A fragment identifier for this slide (if present), or a self-assigned pseudo-identifier.
The object which contains all backgrounds.
A browser detection utility object.
The instance’s canvas, which is a Kilauea.Canvas.
A pointer to the top-level DOM element that contains all slides.
true, if the presentation is in embedded mode.
Kilauea events that are fired on appropriate occasions.
The function to be used as callback
The total height of the canvas, in pixels.
The instance ID.
The slide’s ID, which is the array index of the slide within Kilauea.Instance.slides.
An array which contains objects for each incremental part of the slide.
The of the instance to which the slide belongs.
An array of Kilauea.Instances.
true, if the presentation instance occupies the whole window.
The info structure that is used in and its dependents.
An object of registered key events with key codes as object keys and Kilauea.Events as values.
Keeps all the language packages fetched so far.
The x-coordinate of the computed position, in pixels.
The absolute x-coordinate of the canvas, in pixels.
This object stores and manages everything related to localization.
An array which contains LogEntries.
A Kilauea.Panel that contains the annotation, if any.
The array of IDs of enclosing
An array where part and subpart information for each presentation is stored.
Kilauea.localization not only manages language packages, but also all parts of the DOM tree that once have been localized and added to through
An object that contains the URLs from which the respective plugins (identified by their URI in the object keys) has been retrieved.
An object that contains all plugin classes.
The object that contains the Kilauea.Instance’s plugin instances.
Information about the status of all plugin classes.
A pointer to the backgounnd’s DOM element.
A reference to the DOM element.
A pointer to the slide’s DOM element, usually a div.slide.
An array of URLs for all loaded script files.
The base URL of Kilauea’s script directory.
The of the slide passed in the construcor.
The array which contains all slides.
A UNIX timestamp keeping the start time of this slide in milliseconds since 1970/1/1.
The current status of the panel’s visibility.
Equivalent to start, stop keeps the timestamp of the end time of this slide.
The object to be used as this pointer when calling fn.
The presentation’s title.
A plain text slide title.
The y-coordinate of the computed position, in pixels.
The absolute y-coordinate of the canvas, in pixels.
Stores all available transitions.
An object with properties major, minor, revision, and status.
The total width of the canvas, in pixels.