
The Global Kilauea Object

The Global Kilauea Object
An object with properties major, minor, revision, and status.
An array of Kilauea.Instances.
An array of URLs for all loaded script files.
The base URL of Kilauea’s script directory.
An object that contains all plugin classes.
Information about the status of all plugin classes.
An object that contains the URLs from which the respective plugins (identified by their URI in the object keys) has been retrieved.
An object of registered key events with key codes as object keys and Kilauea.Events as values.
The info structure that is used in <> and its dependents.
A browser detection utility object.
This object stores and manages everything related to localization.
Initializes the global Kilauea object.
Builds all instances, initializes Kilauea.localization, and registers the document.keydown handler Kilauea.handleKey.
Registers a keystroke mapping.
Handles document.keydown events.
Initializes localization.
Keeps all the language packages fetched so far.
Kilauea.localization not only manages language packages, but also all parts of the DOM tree that once have been localized and added to through
Adds a part to
Updates all, or only the parts with a given language / in a given instance -- depending on the (optional) parameter.
Adds a new language package to Kilauea.localization.
Initializes <Kilauea.lang>.
Fetches a language package for Kilauea and all Kilauea.plugins.
Loads all plugins.
Takes a plugin ID token or an URI+URL and returns an ID object
Registers a plugin.
Returns true if the given element has a certain class attributed to it.
Adds a class to a given element.
Removes a class from a given element.
Returns an element’s computed style for a given CSS property.
Returns all child elements that exhibit a given class.
Yields browser-independent information about the current window’s dimensions.
Converts a value to integer, if possible.
Converts a value to float, if possible.
Compares to URIs without fragment identifiers.
Retrieves an URL without fragment identifiers, URL parameters etc.
Reloads the HTML page, thereby restarting all presentations.
Adds a DOM event handler in a fairly browser-independent way.
Removes a DOM event handler.
Cancels a DOM event.
A cross-browser utility method which returns a XMLHttpRequest object.
Sets Kilauea.scriptURL to Kilauea’s base directory.
Collects all scripts included so far and pushes them onto Kilauea.scripts.
Loads a script at runtime.
Includes a script during page load.
Includes a CSS file during page load.
Handles the picking up in a drag’n’drop action.
Performs the drop of a drag’n’drop.
Updates the element’s position while dragging.
Determines whether a string is an URI.
Returns a plain-text version of a possibly HTML-formatted string.
A Class for Kilauea Events
The function to be used as callback
The object to be used as this pointer when calling fn.
Fires fn with this set to thisObj.
A Utility Class for Panels
A reference to the DOM element.
The current status of the panel’s visibility.
Sets the visibility of the panel.
Hides the panel.
Shows the panel.
Toggles the panel.
Temporarily hides the panel.
Restores the panel after a quickHide.
A Utility Canvas Class
The absolute x-coordinate of the canvas, in pixels.
The absolute y-coordinate of the canvas, in pixels.
The total width of the canvas, in pixels.
The total height of the canvas, in pixels.
Updates the canvas’ position and dimensions.
The Slide Class
A pointer to the slide’s DOM element, usually a div.slide.
The slide’s ID, which is the array index of the slide within Kilauea.Instance.slides.
The of the instance to which the slide belongs.
The array of IDs of enclosing
A fragment identifier for this slide (if present), or a self-assigned pseudo-identifier.
A plain text slide title.
A Kilauea.Panel that contains the annotation, if any.
An array which contains objects for each incremental part of the slide.
Hides the slide.
Shows the slide.
Unveils incrementals up to a given position.
Sets the slide’s visibility.
Finds a matching background in Kilauea.Instance.backgrounds for a Kilauea.Slide.
The Background Class
A pointer to the backgounnd’s DOM element.
Hides the background.
Shows the background.
Sets the backgound’s visibility.
The x-coordinate of the computed position, in pixels.
The y-coordinate of the computed position, in pixels.
Adapts the scroll position to given coordinates.
Resets the background’s position to the top left corner of the canvas.
The Menu Class
The Submenu Class
Adds a hyperlink to a given submenu.
The Kilauea Instance Class
The instance ID.
true, if the presentation instance occupies the whole window.
true, if the presentation is in embedded mode.
A pointer to the top-level DOM element that contains all slides.
The object that contains the Kilauea.Instance’s plugin instances.
Kilauea events that are fired on appropriate occasions.
The instance’s canvas, which is a Kilauea.Canvas.
The array which contains all slides.
The object which contains all backgrounds.
The presentation’s title.
An array where part and subpart information for each presentation is stored.
Shows a given slide with the correct incrementals and notes unveiled.
Creates a hyperlink.
Adds a hyperlink to the instance’s toolbar menu.
Replaces a hyperlink in the instance’s toolbar menu by another.
Adds a hyperlink to a given submenu.
Replaces a hyperlink in the instance’s toolbar menu by another.



An object with properties major, minor, revision, and status.  A typical use case is

alert('Current version: ' + Kilauea.version.major + '.' + Kilauea.version.minor)


An array of Kilauea.Instances.  Each instance keeps its own array index in the property


An array of URLs for all loaded script files.


The base URL of Kilauea’s script directory.  This property is set by Kilauea.setScriptURL.


An object that contains all plugin classes.  Plugin URIs are used as object keys.  Note that while the plugin classes are stored in Kilauea.plugins, the actual plugin instances are stored in Kilauea.Instance.plugins.


Information about the status of all plugin classes.  Object keys are the plugin URIs; the value is one of (loading, ok, error, incompatible)


An object that contains the URLs from which the respective plugins (identified by their URI in the object keys) has been retrieved.


An object of registered key events with key codes as object keys and Kilauea.Events as values.


The info structure that is used in <> and its dependents.  As for Kilauea.keys, the object keys are the respective key codes.  The values are objects with properties key - a readable string representation of the key.  For instance, “A” for key code 65 help - the help text


A browser detection utility object.  (Written a la mootools’ browser detection -- not as elegantly, though.)


xpathwhether document.evaluate is supported, and thus evaluation of xpath expressions
ietrue, if the browser is an internet explorer
ie6true, if the internet explorer has version 6
ie7true, if the internet explorer has version 7
webkittrue, if the browser is a descendant from the webkit / KHTML family; e.g., Safari, Shiira, or Konqueror
webkit419true, if the webkit has version < 419.  E.g., this is true for Safari 2
webkit420true, if the webkit has version > 420. from this version on, webkit yields xpath support.  E.g., this is true for Safari 3
geckotrue, if the browser uses the gecko rendering engine. true for mozilla and most notably Firefox
operaan alias of Opera’s nice window.opera


This object stores and manages everything related to localization.  It is a global object with only one instance per document, which is shared by all Kilauea.Instances.


langsThe language packages which have been fetched so far.  See Kilauea.localization.langs for more detail.
partsThe parts of the document which contain localized content.  Parts have two methods, and


addAdd a new language package to Kilauea.localization.langs.  See Kilauea.localization.add.
localizeDetermine the ISO code of the default language of the document.  See <Kilaua.localization.localize>.
fetchFetch a language package at runtime.  See Kilauea.localization.fetch.



init: function(a)

Initializes the global Kilauea object.  Kilauea.init() must be called before the page fires the load DOM event, and after kilauea.js has been included.  I.e.,

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/kilauea.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

Kilauea.init registers an document.onload DOM handler, which then calls Kilauea.create.  The parameters passed (if any) are stored in a temporary property Kilauea.params, which gets deleted once Kilauea.create is done.


aa parameter object with 0..inf entries of the following form:
<ID>: {
keyBind: <boolean:true>,
onReady: <fn>,
title: <string>,
titleSeparator: <string:"::">
externalTransition: <boolean:false>,
forceEmbeddedMode: <boolean:false>,
menu: {},
settings: {
clickAdvance: <boolean:true>,
showNotes: <boolean:false>,
useRealAnchors: <boolean:true>,
adaptiveTitle: <boolean:true>,
useShortTitles: <boolean:true>,
stackBackgrounds: <boolean:false>,
clickAreas: <boolean:true>,
showToolbar: <boolean:false>,
coupleFooter: <boolean:false>
indicators: {
notes: <class Indicator>,
incremental: <class Indicator>}

Parameter object properties

IDmust be either a valid id of an element document in this document or “’#body’” (in the latter case, the ID must appear in quotation marks, as it is not a valid javascript object identifier (which, btw, is a good thing, because it’s not a legal xs:NCName either, thus avoiding collisions.))
keyBindspecifies which instance will get the keyboard events. if multiple instances are being set up, and multiple instances claim to get the keyboard events, the first instance to do so wins.  (right now, I can’t see a sensible use case for multiple receivers.)
useRealAnchorsif set to true, existing anchors (i.e., fragment identifiers) are used. otherwise, parenthesized slide numbers are used (as in slidy).
indicatorshave to implement the Indicator class, which is fairly simple: 1) the constructor takes one argument: a pointer to the corresponding html element, and 2) the class has to implement two argument-less methods on() and off() with the respective obvious meanings.
titlethe presentation’s title. if no title is specified, the document’s title tag is chosen instead, or the title of the first presentation slide.
titleSeparatorthe separator used to join parts of the title.  By default, titles are concatenated through a double colon (“::”).
forceEmbeddedModeif set, even full-window presentations are treated as embedded presentations.
onReadya function to be evaluated as soon as the instance is ready
externalTransitionif set, Kilauea.Instance.showSlide does not hide / show the slides itself. this is useful if a plugin (e.g., <transition>) which listens to slideCHhange events takes care of hiding / showing slides.
menua list of menu items that shall appear in the toolbar.  By default, {‘help’: {}, ‘contents’: {}, ‘restart’: {}} are displayed.
settingsa setting obect of the following form
clickAdvance: <boolean:true>,
showNotes: <boolean:false>,
useRealAnchors: <boolean:true>,
adaptiveTitle: <boolean:true>,
useShortTitles: <boolean:true>,
stackBackgrounds: <boolean:false>,
clickAreas: <boolean:true>,
showToolbar: <boolean:false>,
coupleFooter: <boolean:false>
useShortTitlesindicates that short forms of part titles should be used where present.


create: function(e)

Builds all instances, initializes Kilauea.localization, and registers the document.keydown handler Kilauea.handleKey.  This method must not be called directly; it is called on document load.  Call Kilauea.init instead.

Keyboard Events


registerKey: function(key,

Registers a keystroke mapping.  Accepts parameters key, fun, [thisObj, [sym, help]]


keya key (accepts both keyCode values and ASCII chars. for non-alphabetic chars, key codes are recommended.)
funa function which accepts one argument ‘inst’, denoting the keybound instance
thisObjan object to be used as this pointer
symthe keyboard symbol
helpan explaining help text


handleKey: function(e)

Handles document.keydown events.  It first loops over the custom callbacks in Kilauea.keys, which have been registered using Kilauea.registerKey, then performs the built-in actions.

Returns: Always returns true.  If the event should be cancelled, the callback function must explicitly call Kilauea.cancelEvent or Kilauea.stopPropagation.



setupLocalization: function()

Initializes localization.

localization. langs

Keeps all the language packages fetched so far.  ISO language codes are used as object keys; the object entries are pairs of an english string and its respective translation, e.g.

Kilauea.localization.langs = {
'de': {
"help": "Hilfe",
"Remote Panel": "Fernsitzungssteuerungsanzeige"
'pl': {
"help": "Pomoc"

localization. parts

Kilauea.localization not only manages language packages, but also all parts of the DOM tree that once have been localized and added to through  Besides other advantages, this permits to change languages at runtime (in fact, language packages are always fetched at runtime, because Kilauea first determines the language of the document (Kilauea.localization.localize) and all instances (within Kilauea.Instance’s constructor), and then loads the localization files with Kilauea.loadScript.)

localization. parts.add

Adds a part to


instThe ID of the Kilauea.Instance to which the inserted node belongs
nodeA node with localized content.  Either an element or an attribute node. in the latter case, make sure to retrieve the node through *.getAttributeNode (and not *.getAttribute, which returns the nodeValue).
langAn ISO language code.

localization. parts. update

Updates all, or only the parts with a given language / in a given instance -- depending on the (optional) parameter.


xEither a ISO language code or an, or no argument at all.

There are two principal use cases for this method

  • a language pack has been added / updated, and all parts using this language have to be updated
  • an instanced changed its <Kilauea.Instance.lang>, and all parts belonging to this instance have to be updated

Therefore, we do a little polymorphic magic (knowing that instance IDs are integers and language codes don’t.)  Furthermore, a call to this method without an argument issues updates of all parts in all instances


Adds a new language package to Kilauea.localization.  The language information is then stored in Kilauea.localization.langs.  See the sample code and documentation in Kilauea.localization.langs.


langThe ISO language code
objThe object which contains pairs of english strings and respective translations

Note that if two language packages translate the same english string, only one translation will be kept in Kilauea.localization.langs.  The language package which has been included after all others wins.

localization. localize

Initializes <Kilauea.lang>.  Looks for possible language attributes on the document’s element.  Respects both @lang and @xml:lang.

localization. fetch

Fetches a language package for Kilauea and all Kilauea.plugins.

Plugin Support


loadPlugins: function(a)

Loads all plugins.


athe same parameter object as for <Kilaeua.create>

The method also fills Kilauea.pluginLocations and it loads the respective CSS file for each plugin.


resolvePluginID: function(id)

Takes a plugin ID token or an URI+URL and returns an ID object


ideither an ID token or a full-fledged URI + URL, separated by whitespace


An object with properties

idthe id -- either the ID token or the plugin URI
urlthe location of the directory from which the plugin is to be retrieved (the trailing slash is included)
namethe name of the plugin’s js file, without the extension.

Two examples for input and returned object (assuming that kilauea.js resides in a directory with relative path js/

=> { id: 'bigtimes', url: 'js/plugins/bigtimes/', name: 'bigtimes'}

Kilauea.resolvePluginID(" \\
=> { id: '',
url: 'http://myserver/somedirectory/',
name: 'bigtimes' }


addPlugin: function(uri,

Registers a plugin.


urithe plugin URI
idthe plugin’s ID token
plthe plugin class itself
requireVersionan optional version object which determines a minimal Kilauea.version that the plugin needs in order to work properly.  The object must have the following properties
{major: <int>, minor: <int>}

The method inserts the plugin class into Kilauea.plugins, and makes the plugin usable for Kilauea.Instances to be instantiated and inserted into Kilauea.Instance.plugins.  Besides inserting the plugin class, this method also replaces all those object keys in Kilauea.pluginLocations, which up to now have only been an ID token, by the plugin’s full URI.

Style Utility Methods


hasClass: function(e,

Returns true if the given element has a certain class attributed to it.


ea DOM element
ca class name


true, if the element has the class assigned to it, false otherwise.


addClass: function(e,

Adds a class to a given element.


ea DOM element
ca class name


removeClass: function(e,

Removes a class from a given element.


ea DOM element
ca class name


getStyle: function(obj,

Returns an element’s computed style for a given CSS property.


obja DOM element node
cssa CSS property (W3C style; i.e.  border-left-color)


The computed style, if possible, and null otherwise.

The method tries really hard to get the computed value of the desired style property.  It is easily possible that it fails nevertheless, due to the quite disparate approaches to, and support of, computed styles across different browsers.  Furthermore, the results may be inconsistent across differen browser families.  For example, gecko translates a “border-width: thin” into a pixel value, which is parseable as integer, while IE returns the declared value “thin”.  You might want to postprocess the return value of Kilauea.getStyle using Kilauea.toInteger.


getByClass: function(parent,

Returns all child elements that exhibit a given class.


parentthe parent DOM element containind the child nodes to search among
ca class name


An array of zero or more elements.

Note that although this method sounds like the family of DOM methods such as *.getElementByID, the syntax of Kilauea.getByClass is different: This method cannot be applied as a method of the DOM element, the DOM element has rather to be passed as an argument.  The reason is that Kilauea does not alter or extend any DOM nodes.


redraw: function(e)

Redraws all Kilauea.Instances through Kilauea.Instance.redraw.


windowDimensions: function()

Yields browser-independent information about the current window’s dimensions.


An object with properties:

widththe window’s width, or null
heightthe window’s height, or null

Conversion Utilities


toInteger: function(i,

Converts a value to integer, if possible.  Kilauea.toInteger is more powerful than javascript’s parseInt() in that it accepts two additional parameters.


iThe value to convert
defA default value that should be returned if the conversion of i fails
refA reference value against which percentual values are computed


  • If i is castable with parseInt (e.g., 14px), then parseInt(i)
  • If i is a percent value (e.g., 30%), then parseInt(i) * ref / 100
  • The default value def otherwise, or null, if no default is specified


Converts a value to float, if possible.  Similar to Kilauea.toInteger, but works for floating point numbers.


iThe value to convert
defA default value that should be returned if the conversion of i fails
refA reference value against which percentual values are computed


  • If i is castable with parseFloat (e.g., 0.7ex), then parseInt(i)
  • If i is a percent value (e.g., 49%), then parseInt(i) * ref / 100
  • The default value def otherwise, or null, if no default is specified

Location Utilities


compareAddress: function(l1,

Compares to URIs without fragment identifiers.  It also normalizes file:/// to file:/ and thus avoids browser-dependent confusion (e.g., in Opera).


l1A location object -- either window.location or the location property of a hyperlink element
l2An other (optional) location object to be compared with l1.  If no second parameter is passed, window.location is used.


true, if the locations are identical, otherwise false


pageAddress: function(l)

Retrieves an URL without fragment identifiers, URL parameters etc.


lAn optional location object, Defaults to window.location


The URL without fragment identifiers, URL parameters etc.

For example, assuming that window.location is “ /some- /file#part?param=value"

var me = Kilauea.pageAddress();
=> ''


restart: function()

Reloads the HTML page, thereby restarting all presentations.  This clear the <Kilauea.Instance.histories> of all instances as well.

DOM Event Utilities


addEvent: function(node,

Adds a DOM event handler in a fairly browser-independent way.  See John Resig’s similar function on /projects- /flexible-javascript-events- /, on which Kilauea.addEvent is partly based.


nodethe DOM element on which the event handler should listen
typethe type of the DOM event
fnthe function to be called on DOM events.  Note that fn is evaluated with the this pointer pointing to the element which has been passed to Kilauea.addEvent as first argument
captwhether to use event capture.  Defaults to false, because usually, one wants to have event handling during the bubble phase.  IE’s event model only knows event bubbling, and this parameter thus has no effect in IE.

For more information about the different DOM event models, see


removeEvent: function(node,

Removes a DOM event handler.  This is the complementary method to Kilauea.addEvent.  Note that this does not work reliably for anonymous functions.


nodethe DOM element on which the event handler should listen
typethe type of the DOM event
fnthe function to be called on DOM events.  Note that fn is evaluated with the this pointer pointing to the element which has been passed to Kilauea.addEvent as first argument
captwhether to use event capture.  Defaults to false, because usually, one wants to have event handling during the bubble phase.  IE’s event model only knows event bubbling, and this parameter thus has no effect in IE.


cancelEvent: function(ev)

Cancels a DOM event.


eva DOM event


false.  This is useful for writing

return cancelEvent(ev);


stopPropagation: function(e)

A cross-browser implementation of /TR- /DOM-Level-2-Events- /events.html#Events-Event-stopPropagation.


ea DOM event

AJAX Utilities


getXHR: function()

A cross-browser utility method which returns a XMLHttpRequest object.


An XMLHttpRequest object.

Load/ Include Utilities


setScriptURL: function()

Sets Kilauea.scriptURL to Kilauea’s base directory.


collectScripts: function()

Collects all scripts included so far and pushes them onto Kilauea.scripts.


loadScript: function(url,

Loads a script at runtime.  This method is different from Kilauea.includeScript in that it works at runtime, not during page load.  As a consequence, no document.load event fires when the loading of the script completes.


urlthe URL to the script.  No expansion / modification of the URL is done; the caller has to make sure that the URL is correct.
isUTF8whether the file is UTF8-encoded.  Defaults to false.  For example, Kilauea.localization.fetch utilizes this feature, as language packages are very likely to contain special characters.


includeScript: function(url,

Includes a script during page load.  As opposed to Kilauea.loadScript, this method inserts a script element into the document header.  Th script then is loaded during page load, and the loading process of the script is taken into consideration when determining completion of document.load.


urlthe URL to the script.  No expansion / modification of the URL is done; the caller has to make sure that the URL is correct.
isUTF8whether the file is UTF8-encoded.  Defaults to false.


includeCSS: function(url)

Includes a CSS file during page load.  Similar to Kilauea.includeScript, but works for CSS files rather than for scripts.


urlthe URL to the script.  No expansion / modification of the URL is done; the caller has to make sure that the URL is correct.

Drag’n’drop support


Handles the picking up in a drag’n’drop action.  As a side-effect, the z-index of the element which is to be dragged is set to 700 while dragging.


ethe mousedown event


Performs the drop of a drag’n’drop.


ethe mouseup event


Updates the element’s position while dragging.


ethe mousemove event

Miscellaneous Methods


isURI: function(n)

Determines whether a string is an URI.  Applys the following regular expression pattern to the string



na string Returns: true, if the string is an URI, otherwise false.


html2text: function(el)

Returns a plain-text version of a possibly HTML-formatted string.  It recursively traverses all child elements, retrieves all text nodes and concats these strings.


ela DOM element Returns: A string representation of the element’s content.

Kilauea. Event

A Class for Kilauea Events

A utility class that stores an event callback and a this pointer.


fna function
thisObjan optional pointer to an object that is to be used as this when calling the function.  (Similar to the second argument in Array.forEach.  See /en- /docs- /Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Global_Objects:Array:forEach)
The function to be used as callback
The object to be used as this pointer when calling fn.
Fires fn with this set to thisObj.



The function to be used as callback


The object to be used as this pointer when calling fn.


fire = function(t,

Fires fn with this set to thisObj.

Kilauea. Panel

A Utility Class for Panels

Constructor Parameters

elmThe panel’s DOM element
defVisThe initial default visibility -- either ‘hidden’ or ‘visible’
embeddedWhether the panel is part of an embedded presentation
isDragWhether the panel should be draggable through Kilauea.draggable (default is false)
A reference to the DOM element.
The current status of the panel’s visibility.
Sets the visibility of the panel.
Hides the panel.
Shows the panel.
Toggles the panel.
Temporarily hides the panel.
Restores the panel after a quickHide.



A reference to the DOM element.  This can be used if for example the DOM contents of the panels are altered.


The current status of the panel’s visibility.



this.set = function(v)

Sets the visibility of the panel.


vthe visibility.  Either ‘visible’ or ‘hidden’.


this.hide = function()

Hides the panel.

show = function()

Shows the panel.


this.toggle = function()

Toggles the panel.


this.quickHide = function()

Temporarily hides the panel.


this.restore = function()

Restores the panel after a quickHide.

Kilauea. Canvas

A Utility Canvas Class

A utility class for the canvas element which encloses Kilauea presentations in <Kilauea.embeddedMode>.

Constructor Parameters

elThe DOM element.
isFullWhether the Canvas is the full browser window itself.
The absolute x-coordinate of the canvas, in pixels.
The absolute y-coordinate of the canvas, in pixels.
The total width of the canvas, in pixels.
The total height of the canvas, in pixels.
Updates the canvas’ position and dimensions.



The absolute x-coordinate of the canvas, in pixels.


The absolute y-coordinate of the canvas, in pixels.


The total width of the canvas, in pixels.


The total height of the canvas, in pixels.



this.update = function()

Updates the canvas’ position and dimensions.  For instance, this method gets called by Kilauea.Instance.redraw if the presentation is in Kilauea.Instance.embeddedMode.

Kilauea. Slide

The Slide Class

The slide class used for all Kilauea.Instance.slides.  This class is only accessible within the scope of Kilauea.Instance’s constructor.

Constructor Parameters

sthe slide’s DOM element (usually a div.slide)
idthe slide’s ID, which will be the position where the slide can be found within Kilauea.Instance.slides
instthe ID of the Kilauea.Instance to which the slide belongs
partIDsan array of IDs, which denote the hierarchy of enclosing parts
A pointer to the slide’s DOM element, usually a div.slide.
The slide’s ID, which is the array index of the slide within Kilauea.Instance.slides.
The of the instance to which the slide belongs.
The array of IDs of enclosing
A fragment identifier for this slide (if present), or a self-assigned pseudo-identifier.
A plain text slide title.
A Kilauea.Panel that contains the annotation, if any.
An array which contains objects for each incremental part of the slide.
Hides the slide.
Shows the slide.
Unveils incrementals up to a given position.
Sets the slide’s visibility.
Finds a matching background in Kilauea.Instance.backgrounds for a Kilauea.Slide.



A pointer to the slide’s DOM element, usually a div.slide.


The slide’s ID, which is the array index of the slide within Kilauea.Instance.slides.


The of the instance to which the slide belongs.


The array of IDs of enclosing


A fragment identifier for this slide (if present), or a self-assigned pseudo-identifier.  Pseudo-identifiers have the form “(<slide number>)”.  Note that self-assigned anchors may confilct with other user-defined anchors.


A plain text slide title.


A Kilauea.Panel that contains the annotation, if any.


An array which contains objects for each incremental part of the slide.  The object has two methods, unveil - unveils the incremental part cover - covers the incremental part Slide.incrementals are used in Slide.unveilUpto.



this.hide = function()

Hides the slide.



show = function()

Shows the slide.  Not ot be confused with Kilauea.Instance.showSlide, which does a lot more besides showing slides.  (In fact, it doesn’t even necessarily show slides: e.g., the <transition> plugin may take care of that.)




this.unveilUpto = function(i)

Unveils incrementals up to a given position.  The position is the array index of the incremental part within Slide.incrementals.  Parameters: i - the incremental index up to which incrementals shall be unveiled.


The the current incremental index.


this.set = function(vis)

Sets the slide’s visibility.


visthe desired visibility.  Either true or false.


this.findBackground = function(bg)

Finds a matching background in Kilauea.Instance.backgrounds for a Kilauea.Slide.  Backgrounds are associated to slides via the class attribute.  If a slide bears the class ‘xyz’ in its classname and there is a background with _class=”background xyz”_, then this background is the matching background for that slide.


gbAn associative arrray of backgrounds, where the keys are the background names (i.e., ‘xyz’ in the above example).


A background name, or ‘#default’, if no explicitly associated backgound can be found.

Kilauea. Background

The Background Class

Constructor Parameters

sThe DOM element.
A pointer to the backgounnd’s DOM element.
Hides the background.
Shows the background.
Sets the backgound’s visibility.
The x-coordinate of the computed position, in pixels.
The y-coordinate of the computed position, in pixels.
Adapts the scroll position to given coordinates.
Resets the background’s position to the top left corner of the canvas.

Properties and Functions


A pointer to the backgounnd’s DOM element.  THis is important if the background’s DOM content has to be modified.


this.hide = function()

Hides the background.

show = function()

Shows the background.


this.set = function(vis)

Sets the backgound’s visibility.


visThe desired visibility -- either true or false.


The x-coordinate of the computed position, in pixels.


The y-coordinate of the computed position, in pixels.


this.adaptScroll = function(left,

Adapts the scroll position to given coordinates.  This is used in order to get the same behaviour (i.e., backgrounds move together with slides while scrolling) in Kilauea.Instance.embeddedMode as in standalone mode.


leftthe x-coordinate
topthe y-coordinate


this.resetScroll = function()

Resets the background’s position to the top left corner of the canvas.


The Menu Class

Constructor Parameters

mThe ul DOM element.

Kilauea. Submenu

The Submenu Class

Constructor Parameters

mThe li DOM element.
parentThe parent Kilauea.Menu.
idThe submenu’s ID, which is its key within the parent’s <Kilauea.Menu.submenus> object.
Adds a hyperlink to a given submenu.



this.addEntry = function(a)

Adds a hyperlink to a given submenu.


aA hyperlink DOM element.  It is recommended to generate this element by using Kilauea.Instance.getLink.


The newly appended menu entry (which is a list DOM element, and which can be used to remove or replace the entry by means of Kilauea.Instance.removeFromSubmenu or Kilauea.Instance.replaceInSubmenu, respectively), or null.

Kilauea. Instance

The Kilauea Instance Class

The instance ID.
true, if the presentation instance occupies the whole window.
true, if the presentation is in embedded mode.
A pointer to the top-level DOM element that contains all slides.
The object that contains the Kilauea.Instance’s plugin instances.
Kilauea events that are fired on appropriate occasions.
The instance’s canvas, which is a Kilauea.Canvas.
The array which contains all slides.
The object which contains all backgrounds.
The presentation’s title.
An array where part and subpart information for each presentation is stored.
Shows a given slide with the correct incrementals and notes unveiled.
Creates a hyperlink.
Adds a hyperlink to the instance’s toolbar menu.
Replaces a hyperlink in the instance’s toolbar menu by another.
Adds a hyperlink to a given submenu.
Replaces a hyperlink in the instance’s toolbar menu by another.



The instance ID.  Every Kilauea.Instance can access itself via Kilauea.instances[]


true, if the presentation instance occupies the whole window.  Full-window presentations are treated differently, e.g. with regard to <Kilauea.Instance.updateLocation>: In full-window presentations, the URL in the address bar of the browser is updated.


true, if the presentation is in embedded mode.  The principal difference from standalone mode is that presentations are wrapped in a special div.kilaueaCanvas wich has fixed dimensions and the CSS property overflow: hidden;.  Doing so, multiple slideshow presentations in one single XHMTL document (and in one single broser window) become possible.


A pointer to the top-level DOM element that contains all slides.


The object that contains the Kilauea.Instance’s plugin instances.  The object keys are the plugin URIs.

Note the difference to Kilauea.plugins, which contains the plugin classes, not the instances.


Kilauea events that are fired on appropriate occasions.  External applications or Kilauea plugins can listen to these events by means of <Kilauea.Instance.registerEvent>.

The available event types are slideChange - fired, if the slide changes.  This is not the case if only incremental parts are unveiled or if there is a change from / to alSlideMode. incrementalChange - fired if incremental parts of a slide are unveiled or covered again. eos - fired, if the end of the slides is reached.  Note that this may happen several times (in case the presentator moves back and forth to the last slide). ready - fired after complete initialization of the respective Kilauea.Instance.  Registration of this particular event is different, as <registerEvent> cannot be used before complete initialization of the Kilauea.Instance.  Instead, the function which is to be executed for this event must be passed as property onReady of the parameter object of Kilauea.init. singleSlideView - fired if singleSlideMode is reached after allSlideMode allSlideView - fired if allSlideMode is reached after singleSlideMode redraw - fired after redraws of the Kilauea.Instance.


The instance’s canvas, which is a Kilauea.Canvas.


The array which contains all slides.


The object which contains all backgrounds.  The background names are used for object keys.  Kilauea.Instance.backgrounds always contains at least one entry, which then has the key ‘#default’ and may have a null value.


The presentation’s title.  Either the title specified in Kilauea.init’s parameter object, or an inferred title from the cover slide.


An array where part and subpart information for each presentation is stored.

The array contains an entry for every part and for every slide.  Array indices are used for identifying the entries.  In the former case, the entry is an object with properties title - A plain text part title.  It is either given by an id attribute on the part’s DOM element (which usually is a div.part) or it gets inferred from a outline slide (usually a div.slide.outline). href - A (pseudo) fragment identifier that can be used for linking to the part, equivalent to Slide.anchor. children - An array with part IDs of children elements, which can be slides or parts.  In the latter case, the entry has only one property, slide - The of the slide. is especially useful for building hierarchical table of contents, as done in <Kilauea.Instance.getHierarchicalToc>.

Auxiliary Methods

Slide Manipulation and Retrieval


showSlide: function(sn,

Shows a given slide with the correct incrementals and notes unveiled.

Kilauea.Instance.showSlide should be called with legal slide indices, although it legalizes all parameters by using <Kilauea.Instance.legalSlide> and <Kilauea.Instance.legalIncremental>.  The method fires the following, if appropriate:

  • slideChange
  • incrementalChange
  • eos


sna slide number
incan incremental index

Updater Methods

Plugin Methods

DOM Event Handler

Custom Kilauea Event Methods

Help Panel

TOC Panel

Toolbar Methods


getLink: function(chld,

Creates a hyperlink.


chldeither a string (the link text) or a DOM node (to be inserted as the link’s child node)
titlea title string href- getLink accepts either a URL as string or a pointer to a function. in the latter case, the following optional parameters are possible:
thisObja pointer to an object which should be used as <i>this</i>, when the function is evaluated
paramsan array of arguments to be passed to the function

The method localizes all strings and adds them as parts to Kilauea.localization.


A hyperlink DOM element


addToToolbarMenu: function(a)

Adds a hyperlink to the instance’s toolbar menu.


aa hyperlink DOM element.  It is recommended to generate this element by using Kilauea.Instance.getLink.


The newly appended menu entry (which is a list DOM element), or null.


replaceInToolbarMenu: function(li,

Replaces a hyperlink in the instance’s toolbar menu by another.


lithe menu entry to be replaced.  Usually obtained earlier by a call to Kilauea.Instance.addToToolbarMenu.
aa hyperlink DOM element.  It is recommended to generate this element by using Kilauea.Instance.getLink.


The new menu entry (which is a list DOM element), or null.


getSubmenu: function(t)





removeSubmenu: function(m)



ma submenu, usually a li DOM element created through Kilauea.Instance.getSubmenu



addToSubmenu: function(m,

Adds a hyperlink to a given submenu.


ma submenu, which must be a li DOM element, preferrably created through Kilauea.Instance.getSubmenu
aa hyperlink DOM element.  It is recommended to generate this element by using Kilauea.Instance.getLink.


The newly appended menu entry (which is a list DOM element, and which can be used to remove or replace the entry by means of Kilauea.Instance.removeFromSubmenu or Kilauea.Instance.replaceInSubmenu, respectively), or null.


replaceInSubmenu: function(m,

Replaces a hyperlink in the instance’s toolbar menu by another.


ma submenu, which must be a li DOM element, preferrably created through Kilauea.Instance.getSubmenu
lithe menu entry to be replaced.  Usually obtained earlier by a call to Kilauea.Instance.addToSubmenu.
aa hyperlink DOM element.  It is recommended to generate this element by using Kilauea.Instance.getLink.


The new menu entry (which is a list DOM element), or null.


removeFromSubmenu: function(m,



ma submenu, which must be a li DOM element, preferrably created through Kilauea.Instance.getSubmenu
lithe menu entry to be replaced.  Usually obtained earlier by a call to Kilauea.Instance.addToSubmenu.



Miscellaneous Methods


redraw: function()




The Kilauea Instance Class
A Class for Kilauea Events
init: function(a)
Initializes the global Kilauea object.
create: function(e)
Builds all instances, initializes Kilauea.localization, and registers the document.keydown handler Kilauea.handleKey.
This object stores and manages everything related to localization.
handleKey: function(e)
Handles document.keydown events.
registerKey: function(key,
Registers a keystroke mapping.
setupLocalization: function()
Initializes localization.
Kilauea.localization not only manages language packages, but also all parts of the DOM tree that once have been localized and added to through
Adds a part to
An object that contains all plugin classes.
loadPlugins: function(a)
Loads all plugins.
resolvePluginID: function(id)
Takes a plugin ID token or an URI+URL and returns an ID object
addPlugin: function(uri,
Registers a plugin.
hasClass: function(e,
Returns true if the given element has a certain class attributed to it.
addClass: function(e,
Adds a class to a given element.
removeClass: function(e,
Removes a class from a given element.
getStyle: function(obj,
Returns an element’s computed style for a given CSS property.
getByClass: function(parent,
Returns all child elements that exhibit a given class.
redraw: function(e)
Redraws all Kilauea.Instances through Kilauea.Instance.redraw.
redraw: function()
windowDimensions: function()
Yields browser-independent information about the current window’s dimensions.
toInteger: function(i,
Converts a value to integer, if possible.
compareAddress: function(l1,
Compares to URIs without fragment identifiers.
pageAddress: function(l)
Retrieves an URL without fragment identifiers, URL parameters etc.
restart: function()
Reloads the HTML page, thereby restarting all presentations.
addEvent: function(node,
Adds a DOM event handler in a fairly browser-independent way.
removeEvent: function(node,
Removes a DOM event handler.
cancelEvent: function(ev)
Cancels a DOM event.
stopPropagation: function(e)
A cross-browser implementation of
getXHR: function()
A cross-browser utility method which returns a XMLHttpRequest object.
setScriptURL: function()
Sets Kilauea.scriptURL to Kilauea’s base directory.
The base URL of Kilauea’s script directory.
collectScripts: function()
Collects all scripts included so far and pushes them onto Kilauea.scripts.
An array of URLs for all loaded script files.
loadScript: function(url,
Loads a script at runtime.
includeScript: function(url,
Includes a script during page load.
includeCSS: function(url)
Includes a CSS file during page load.
isURI: function(n)
Determines whether a string is an URI.
html2text: function(el)
Returns a plain-text version of a possibly HTML-formatted string.
The function to be used as callback = function(t,
Fires fn with this set to thisObj.
The object to be used as this pointer when calling fn.
this.set = function(v)
Sets the visibility of the panel.
this.hide = function()
Hides the panel. = function()
Shows the panel.
this.toggle = function()
Toggles the panel.
this.quickHide = function()
Temporarily hides the panel.
this.restore = function()
Restores the panel after a quickHide.
this.update = function()
Updates the canvas’ position and dimensions.
The array which contains all slides.
The instance ID.
An array where part and subpart information for each presentation is stored.
A Utility Class for Panels
this.hide = function()
Hides the slide. = function()
Shows the slide.
this.unveilUpto = function(i)
Unveils incrementals up to a given position.
this.set = function(vis)
Sets the slide’s visibility.
this.findBackground = function(bg)
Finds a matching background in Kilauea.Instance.backgrounds for a Kilauea.Slide.
The object which contains all backgrounds.
The Slide Class
this.hide = function()
Hides the background. = function()
Shows the background.
this.set = function(vis)
Sets the backgound’s visibility.
this.adaptScroll = function(left,
Adapts the scroll position to given coordinates.
this.resetScroll = function()
Resets the background’s position to the top left corner of the canvas.
this.addEntry = function(a)
Adds a hyperlink to a given submenu.
A Utility Canvas Class
showSlide: function(sn,
Shows a given slide with the correct incrementals and notes unveiled.
getLink: function(chld,
Creates a hyperlink.
addToToolbarMenu: function(a)
Adds a hyperlink to the instance’s toolbar menu.
replaceInToolbarMenu: function(li,
Replaces a hyperlink in the instance’s toolbar menu by another.
getSubmenu: function(t)
removeSubmenu: function(m)
addToSubmenu: function(m,
Adds a hyperlink to a given submenu.
replaceInSubmenu: function(m,
Replaces a hyperlink in the instance’s toolbar menu by another.
removeFromSubmenu: function(m,
The object that contains the Kilauea.Instance’s plugin instances.
An object of registered key events with key codes as object keys and Kilauea.Events as values.
Keeps all the language packages fetched so far.
Updates all, or only the parts with a given language / in a given instance -- depending on the (optional) parameter.
Adds a new language package to Kilauea.localization.
Fetches a language package for Kilauea and all Kilauea.plugins.
Initializes Kilauea.lang.
An object that contains the URLs from which the respective plugins (identified by their URI in the object keys) has been retrieved.
An object with properties major, minor, revision, and status.
The Global Kilauea Object
true, if the presentation is in embedded mode.
An array which contains objects for each incremental part of the slide.
The slide’s ID, which is the array index of the slide within Kilauea.Instance.slides.
The Menu Class
A fragment identifier for this slide (if present), or a self-assigned pseudo-identifier.
Kilauea events that are fired on appropriate occasions.